Dec 8, 2005

from Armand C...

As of tonight, there have been a few additions to include:

1) excerpts from Parker Zane Allen's "Dating Tips", that will only be up for a short time, as soon, he will send a "reworked" version of the WHOLE.....still, nonetheless, brilliant, and please do, check them out....

2) The complete August Demos, from Orth/Shivshark....I recommend, at the very LEAST, listening to "Car into tree" & "Want some rain".....February Demos, will be up soon, as well as other samples.

3) More Steve Orth poetry from "My Life as an Asshole"...."Bloody Tornado of Destruction"...etcetc

4) Greg Pokarney's video translation's of my own, "Notes Towards the Inventory of Visual Impressions"....see:Pokarney Productions.....

5) A NEVER BEFORE SEEN, Pokareny translation of "All you ever do is Look Away"

6) My "Magic Number Series"

7) Pokarney's "Roomate" song, under AUDIO, which is another translation, of an awful poetry manuscript.

8) A short sample of C. & Pokarney's "The Autobiography of the Big Gimmie".....which runs roughly 20 minutes, but on the site, I give you about a 2 second taste.

9) A new Brandon Brown picture with his love-rly partner in crime: ALLI WARREN

10) Pokarney's work in progress "M" is up as a downloadable PDF chapbook....

ummm, and maybe that is it, for now...but more to come during the week!

go to, cause you have nothing better to do, admit it, you really don't

if you have any interest in obtaining, the actual videos, for anything on the site, please contact me & I will send to any of you, free of charge.

coming soon: The movie: Cold, Cavernous Asses of the Dead!!!

take care,

p.s.: also, if you have any art work/poetry/audio/video, for the website, please send my way, to

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