Dec 19, 2005

The Islands

rapture this audition ululate does it feel to live in petrified in Concord on the compile was “we do find images of nude women” the balcony began “what will she do” and further “she’ll sing from a balcony, that’s all” to get an auditionish effect on the freak hiding, say you want me, by putting his old bottle in her licking it was a mutual gel to hide his penis because she bled in her the folds of her knee only popping it out laughing her hand smearing more cream on into the slit of her knee though surely the balcony furthers “I love you because you’re tender and sweet, you the hardest and sternest of men” it’s this auditionish macabre is perhaps that of a dog and his doggrel biology a memory mention made of predictable dog like qualities

“the people were all inanimate”
there are no bruises
and darkness, who is filling the shoe

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