Jan 22, 2006

Plummer's playing like crap...(pun...boo)...

ugh...Steelers lead the Broncos 24-3...two touchdowns in 1:48 seconds the latter coming off a pick interception...boo...this is almost to painful to watch...how come the Steelers aren't bothered by the altitude? where the hell are the bloody noses, the dehydration, headaches etc...?

in lieu of more football commentary i'll give you my "Poet's Tuna Salad" recipe...this is what i live off of...

one can of Kirkland Tuna (this is important, Kirkland has the desired quantity and texture)
three generous spoon size scoops of Safeway Select Mayo (integral, the Safeway brand has just the right combo of a salty to sweet flavoring...never, i repeat NEVER use Miracle Whip...unless you want to end up with "Poet's Garbage Tuna Salad"...

ratio of minced or chopped or sliced onions based on desired "pep"...i like a lot of pep so i tend to use a lot of onions...

1/2 a fuji apple chopped into small cubes (fuji is important, perfect sweetness to counter/compliment the onions)

one handfull of Trader Joe's Honey Roasted Peanuts (not so sure that the Trader Joe's brand is so important...i use them because my mom usually sends around 5 bags in her care packages...)

ton o' pepper...i mean TON O'...generous seasoning with salt...i say GENEROUS people...

mix diligently together until texture looks like patte...

eat either out of the bowl or wrapped in letuce while watching The X-Files or a sport's game on the tele...enjoy! kaliorixi!!!

...currently listening to the Steelers VS. Broncos AFC Championship...

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