Feb 27, 2006

boring stuff/ not boring stuff...

currently at work on a lecture given by Roger Walsh all about Transpersonal Psychology...yadda yadda...shaman's, Ken Wilber, Lucid Dreaming, Yogi's...yadda yadda...

went digging at Left Hand Books yesterday afternoon...had some good finds...

all used...

1. The Shirt Weapon-Brandon Downing
2. Post (Pink)- kari edwards
3. Under The Sun- Rachel Levitsky (read it a couple summer's back, loved it, strangely fabelistic use of narrative)
4. Meat Air- Ron Loewinsohn (can't believe i found this for only $6...and this is why digging is so much fun (correlative in record digging), after hours spent, the ultimate find...)
5. Speculative Primative- Chris Stroffolino
6. 5 Is The Perfect Number- Igort (Italian graphic novel)
7. Happy Ending- Dark Horse Maverick (a great anthology of great comics writers/artists)
8. Batman Evolution- Greg Rucka
9. Batman Anarchy- Alan Grant
10. No Love Lost- Ariel Bordeaux (think Ghostworld in Quebec)
11. Portraits From Life- David Collier

...and can i just say that Drawn & Quarterly is my favorite Comics publisher...currently making my way through the Drawn & Quarterly Review #4...finished the beautiful bio-comic on Herge, the creator of Tin Tin, last night...

preliminary draft of thesis due this friday...you can find me at the bar on any given night this week working on it...

...i've had about 300 hits since Friday from people google searching Apollo Anton Ohno...other searches as of late that have brought people to this blog, verbatim, "bode miller sucks," "psuedo scorpian," and "brazil"...

...check out Alan Gilbert's Village Voice piece on the new collected prose of Sparrow...

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