Feb 15, 2006

star wars...

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith- not entertaining...though the fact that baby Luke Skywalker's adoptive mom at the end of the movie looked a lot like Elizabeth Robinson was...

got the Paul Celan portion of my thesis done this morning...

picked up a used copy of Civil Disobediences Poetics and Politics in Action edited by Anne Waldman and Lisa Birman (Coffee House)...the newest anthology (though not THAT new by now) from Coffee House filled with Naropa lectures/talks/interviews and essays...

...currently listening to Prefuse 73 One Word Extinguisher...


Jessica Smith said...

paul celan! yay! you *finished* the paul celan part of your thesis? that sounds... pretty major. good job!

i love anne waldman!

you've lost me on musaks. send me some interesting mp3s?

John Sakkis said...

paul celan "part"...i know, impossible...but i felt i needed to write on celan, vallejo and jabes (in extreme brief) to give a fair sense of the analytic lyric...