Mar 31, 2006

i dreamt...

that there was a huge earthquake in SF...the sky coaleced into this giant rolling orange and black cloud was massive, and scary...

also, i wanted to be a long track speed skater...i was hanging out with Apollo Anton Ohno and Shanni Davis...i asked Apollo how old he was, he was all "i'm fourteen" then i asked Davis how old HE was, and he was all "i'm thirteen"...i realized at 26, i was much too old to take up speed skating...

i feel like throwing the ball around, i think i'll call Jared later on...Joe Cooper, you game?

did anyone else see that yahoo news article yesterday afternoon, they think they found Ajax's palace...yeah, THE Ajax from the Trojan War...vroom...

read Drill #7 today...

The Machinist- very Hitchcockian, very weird, sort of enjoyable...Christian Bale at 120 pounds is certainly something to see...

...currently listening to Wilco A Ghost Is Born...


BB said...

dude I kind of had a very similar dream, though it was set in Puerto Vallarta and the beach rumbled and quaked like there were giant, big tim earthquakes out in the ocean and big SAND WORMS

John Sakkis said...

and then i read about the Iranian earthquakes this morning...