Apr 3, 2006

stocking stuffers...

Michael Koshkin was just over partaking in opening day revelry...Rockies beat the Diamondbacks in an 11th inning goodie (go expansion teams!)...Michael and i talked a hell've a lot of shit about Naropa, i ALWAYS have fun talking shit about my university, and more and more i'm getting the feeling Michael does too (and they deserve it)...

Koshkin showed me a proof of his beautiful new chap, Parade Rain, forthcoming from Maureen Thorson's delectable Big Game Press
  • Koshkin Big Pimpin'

  • Michael told me lot's of fun stories about the AWP and his spring break "boys gone wild" trip to SF...so glad to hip him to the nirvana that is Green Apple Books in the Inner Richmond...also so glad to hear he's with me in my "fuck Berkeley" posturing (possibly the lamest city in the entire East Bay...and yes, that includes Antioch)...he's talking about moving to SF...i say yeah yeah...

    ...in the mail today the new TV On The Radio album from Mr. Capanna in SF...currently sitting here with a huge boner listening to it...

    worked on a Philip Whalen tape this morning all about Shakespeare's Perilcles...almost bored me to tears...though i like Whalen's voice...something very Rock Hudson about it...mad sexy...

    got paid today...still can't get over the fact that i can make rent by listening to Coolidge/ Whalen et. al tapes...i love being an audio technician...if this sounds like a brag, maybe it is...but don't get too mad, once i graduate (may 13th) the job runs dry...

    i almost forgot...had a VERY strange friday night at the bar(s)...first, sitting at the bar while Sabrina went to the bathroom...this girl approches me, starts hitting on me in a robot voice..."skk skk...y.o.u. h.a.v.e. a.n. a.n.t. p.i.n. o.n. y.o.u.r. h.a.t....beep beep...c.a.n. i. t.o.u.c.h. y.o.u.?...skk skk...c.a.n. i. t.o.u.c.h. y.o.u.r. j.a.c.k.e.t.?...m.y. b.o.y.f.r.i.e.n.d. i.s. g.o.i.n.g. t.o. b.e. r.e.a.l.l.y. m.a.d. a.t. m.e...beep beep"...at this point Sabrina came back and rescued me just as robot girl's girlfriends grabbed her by the shoulders and apologized to me...Sabrina and i then bounced to the Downer...

    Downer...met these girls on coke...they thought i was gay and kept complementing my eyes..."eh...thanks"...one of the girls offered to trade me facials if i would teach her boyfriend Protools(?!)....left that table in a hurry...spotted this really reallly cute girl sitting all by herself at a table across the bar...didn't realize at the time that the really really cute girl was actually the same really really cute girl i had seen a few months back at the same table in the same bar who i had approached and subsequently went out with a few times...this was me being really drunk (to my credit she had a new haircut)...i mean, can you imagine if i went up to her and was like "hi my name is john..." ouch, on both our ends...so so glad the really really cute girl disappeared before i got back with my drink because i was about ready to approach...and then Sabrina (god bless that girl) is all, "dude, that's Leslie, you've already been out with her, you're an asshole"...to which i replied by downing my drink, kissed Sabrina on the hand, went home to the apartment and ate a bunch of Pimento cheese and Pistachio nuts with my tail between my legs...eck...

    BASEBALL! happy opening day everyone! Go Giants!

    ...currently listening to TV On The Radio don't know the album name cause it's bootleg, but plan on buying the CD when it's released cause i support...


    Jessica Smith said...


    just a small typo. Maureen Thorson not Moureen.

    John Sakkis said...

    oof thanks...corrected...

    jwg said...

    If Anselm is there it can not be all bad.

    Eric said...

    Go to the bars every night and blog about it.


    Set up paypal so blamigos can buy you drinks, in order to live vicariously through your next post.


    John Sakkis said...

    it's not all bad...in fact, since junior burke was made chair it's only getting better...my problem with naropa is that for a university that touts itself as being THE avant-gardist institution in the country they sure seem to have little interest in experimental literature...

    the SWP is an entirely different entity, and is still definitly a more than amazing convocation of poet's, prosers, and artists...but the SWP is a combined 2 months of the 2 year degree so...it leaves one wanting...

    i still rock my naropa sweatshirt...

    eric, i sort of go to the bars everynight already, but i mostly just work on my thesis...next time i go out (tonight?) i'll make sure to get into some trouble...