May 25, 2006

makin' babies...

the wifey and I want babies...i want a daughter as our first...she want's me to give her a boy as our first...i told her i'd give her a boy (and i CAN...Vas Deferens what?!) if we can name him Dino...which she agreed to as long as we name our daughter Symeria...i can get with that...

currently at work on an Armand Schwerner, Schelling, Reed and Cervantes reading from 93...


François Luong said...

you know, all this could be solved if you had twins. yeah, get twins first!

John Sakkis said...

i don't like twins...twins are boring...twins are a biological scam...

Jessica Smith said...

i want twins. then you only hve to be pregnant once.

i also want a c-section.

i also want to name my daughter alice.
i want a daughter. maybe i'll adopt.