just think of the heaviest, most insane drumming you could possibly imagine under what sounds like a screeching bagpipe (i can't remember what the instrument is actually called but my brother and sister are both national gold medal Greek dancers (FDF) and they describe it as a goat carcass...literally...the instrument is a dried up goat carcass! the sounds are made pneumatically from the stomach of the dried animal!!! with a Greek (male) baritone vocalist probably out of his mind on ouzo and hash singing about the woes of his village...then you've got a feel for what the Pontic style is...Pontic makes me crazy, seriously, it shits on ANY hip hop beat...bam bam BOOM BOOM BOOM TAP TAP bam bam BOOM BOOM BOOM TAP TAP TSK TSK TSK TSK bam bam bam bam bam BOOM BOOM BOOM TAP TAP TSK TSK TSK TSK TSK...heaven!
can you really dance in such a small space??
and oh, i have the same bookshelves.
when your drunk...yeah...
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