Sep 15, 2006


last night was refreshing. last night was good.

later on i watched RoboCop 2, RC2 is a weird movie, a sort of horrifying movie.

see you tonight.


François Luong said...

Robocop 2!!! Did you know the first draft of the script was written by Frank Miller? Sin City!!!

John Sakkis said...

i can see how that makes sense.

i mean, it really is a horrifying movie, really gory (surgery torture scene) with a scary senses of humor (little league kids beating a shop owner to death with their baseball bats while their coach robs the store). the little kid gangster gave me nightmares.

maybe better than the first one?

Hayes said...

You know who's the old school ttwcyborg! VeVeVeVerHoven!

Hayes said...

You know who's the old school ttwcyborg! VeVeVeVerHoven!

Hayes said...

You know who's the old school ttwcyborg! VeVeVeVerHoven!

Hot Whiskey said...

Parts of that movie were filmed in Houston, my hometown. A friend of mine was in it, small part, I think he played some punk kid with a sideways hat or something on a rooftop. Does that sound familiar? I'm not sure if I ever even watched it all the way through.

Same friend was also in Powder and Last Action Hero....what a lineup! You don't even have to ask. He's bigtime. BIGTIME. The guy was in Last Action Hero.

François Luong said...

Michael Koshkin! You're from Houston?

Yay, I had forgotten that Robocop 2 was filmed in Houston.

Hot Whiskey said...

Yep, born and raised in the H-town. Going back in two weeks for my first time in a year or so. Very excited.
...somehow, not worried about the excessive heat or humidity or old friends on drugs. Just seems alright.