Sep 26, 2006

on a different note, GG Allin

just got done watching Todd Phillips' documentary Hated about Murder Junkies frontman GG Allin...i almost got sick, well i don't really know what to say...really good documentary that is more graphic than than anything i've seen in a long long long time...make sure you Netflix it on an empty i'm not exagerating...


BB said...

Yeah, he's totally disgusting. When I started really getting into the punk scene in the early 90's it seemed like there a lot of attention, nationally, on Allin as this sort of martyr. Lived punk, died punk, etc. He was a sort of model, too, for gutter punks and pseudo-gutter punks (sidewalk punks?) to determine their sense of fashion, lifestyle, and, you know, manners.

I always kind of thought he sucked. And the records basically suck. Somewhere in KC I've got a photograph someone sent me of his funeral, which if they didn't cover it, is, uh, yeah, completely disgusting.

John Sakkis said...

included in the doc is the footage from his funeral and yeah totally gross. but even worse than that is the footage from his last day on earth/ last show he ever played.

a performance at the gas station in the east village which ends in a mid afternoon mini gutter punk riot through manhattan. it's fucking crazy.

during that performance he bests the shit out of 3 fans (2 boys 1 girl), shits himself and throws it at the crowd, kicks in a glass door then rolls around in the broken glass, invites a male fan to put his hand up his ass, male fan does, tries to set the venue on fire, fans thowing random unidentified drugs at him and GG swallowing every one of them, the riot through the streets after the club owner shuts the show down (after 2 songs!), GG storming through the streets naked, bloody, shitty, snotty, high on cocaine looking trying to catch a cab...

the segment ends with johnny puke and his girlfriend getting a cab for gg and heading off to their apartment where gg would later that night overdose on heroin...

and there are a lot worse things that happen in the doc involving hot dogs, violent spoken word shows, shit and urine.

BB said...

Which reminds me, we ARE getting that R Kelly Musical "Trapped in the Closet" today from Netflix. Oh yes.

John Sakkis said...

yo, let's go halfs on a baby.