Oct 23, 2006

making waves...

Stephanie has a gaggle of new attractive pictures up on her flickr of the West Coast (?) Wave Books Poetry Bus Tour...i'm not sure i understand the concept. no really, i don't get it. are they like actually touring or something? touring where? do they actually live on the bus together band-style? who's going to see them? are people excited about the tour? i mean, people other than the ones on the bus? do they like read "sets"? are there headliners/ opening acts?
if this is coming off a bit negative i don't mean it to, i just don't really "get" it. for instance, why do the majority of pics look like they were taken in the NV/ WY deserts? are there fans of experimental poetry in the desert outside of UNLV? if this is an actual tour how the heck did a group of young professionals get work off to travel around the desert? i mean, kick ass and all but... you can spot a video crew (?) in some of the pictures, maybe it's a documentary. like the Lanan videos? to be shown where? funded by whom? realeased as a Wave book? hurmph...i'm confused.

i guess i can ask Stephane some of this stuff at a reading sooner than later myriad as they are lately.


Hot Whiskey said...

Yeah, I'm sorta confused about the whole thing too. I think there is a cast of touring poets and then locals are reading with them in various towns.

I think we should start our own punkrock version, Hot Whiskey Poetry Car Tour. Six or seven of us will pile into my Honda and drive around starting ruckus. I'm serious. But our readings will have mosh pits and we'd only do them in the parking lots of bigger poetry readings (like outside a Gary Soto or Marie Howe reading).

And we'd bring lots of Busch and crack and maybe a drag queen or two from the TL.

John Sakkis said...

can i be one of the "touring poets" as opposed to one of the "locals"...maybe we can call ourselves the "Hot Whiskey Poetry Car (LOCO)als"...

our tag line could be "guaranteed to upstage a poetry reading near you!"

we'll trade chapbooks for meth...we'll traverse the country in 6 days...

hip hop kids have "Booty" music...poetry kids have "Hot Whiskey" words...

Black Lodge said...

I saw the tour.
It was alright.
Joshua Beckman is pretty awesome. He has a poem called "The Karate Chop of Love" and I like it.

Hayes said...

i want in on this...oh, and a still breathing beat duck is in too!! Drag Queens, etc...we also gotta hit it up carnival roadshow stylie...poetry frakshow anyone!!!

honk-honk yall

Hayes said...

er, freakshow, not frakshow, whatever a frakshow is?

DUSIE said...


you can use my bluebird if you wanna go on tour too, it has a kitchen and bunks and even a coal stove, really piece peal tho, not fancy schmancy at all, a portable pot, but no installed wc or shower, oh but the potential! it's in New England, i drove it all over the US and AK& Canada a few years back. go get it !