Jan 19, 2007


after a near miss with Koshkin, Francois tagged me:

5 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. i've appeared on Greek television

2. my favorite nut is the pistachio nut

3. in the mid-late 90's i promoted huge awful warehouse parties with the Nexus Crew

4. back when i used to DJ with All Aspects Crew (AAC) and The Headquarters Collective (THC) i opened up for many rap artists including but not limited to: Heiroglyphics, Outkast, Living Legends, Black Eyed Peas, The Earthlings, Melky Sedek, Anticon.

5. i still carry my The X-Files Fan Club membership card in my wallet.


Amish Trivedi said...

You're supposed to tag people too, dorkess!

John Sakkis said...

i think at this point everyone's done it. if you haven't done it i tag you.

Amish Trivedi said...

I hit publish comment and realized what I'd opened myself to. Bummer

François Luong said...

Dear Amish,

My apologies for not tagging you. I thought you had already done it.

Amish Trivedi said...

I often think of Wilem Defoe's line in "Life Aquatic": "Thanks a lot for thinking of ME!" But not, seriously, no worries at all, Francois.