Mar 13, 2007

and here's a baseball/ love poem i just wrote for Armand and Brandon and the Giants

The Giants Are A Love Poem

“What do you love, what the fuck do you love”

do you love, you must love wine

do you love fucking you love wine

fucking love doesn’t mean you look for it

it can’t happen when you expect to find

love you watch baseball games your whole life

though you stay within yourself and love

to fucking root for the Giants

you love heat and an even plane

you want to impress you want to love

and make yourself feel good and baseball

can do that if you get aboard watching

starting over again kicking around love

and service time and running around Stetson University

making hats but running the bases in the heat

and the guy on deck has lost someone just like you

and his fastball will let you know that he’s going to drop down

in love a nice inning heading to the 9th on March 20th

looking for someone to share his love for his love

and available for a time with baseball scouting

his love in the dugout breaks low

and this club is a division of their own


Logan Ryan Smith said...

john, is this flarf?

and is "i'm a spartan" also flarf?

or, excuse me, "google-sculpted poetry".

John Sakkis said...

no, this one is a quick chardonnay poem i wrote last night during the bottom of the fourth inning of the giants/ a's game...i found myself saying out loud "what do you love, what the fuck do you love" which i thought was both funny and weird, so that became the starting off point for the poem and then it just sort of poured out...

wine-drunk and hyper.

i'm a spartan isn't google-sculpted started out small, sort of a joke, and then i just kept going...and now i'm thinking that it may be part of my new dusie chap, or that it might be part of a children's book that lauren k. and i are going to do...

but, yeah, 2 poems in two days, i feel great...