Mar 28, 2007

Mitch Hedberg: Mitch All Together (2003)


Amish Trivedi said...

"I give you the money. You give me the donut. This is not an ink and paper transaction!"


John Sakkis said...

"i used to do drugs...i still do em'...but i used to too..."

"rice is a really great food if you want like 7,000 of something..."


by the way, this "special" sucked if you haven't seen it already...and then youtube took all the classic hedberg stuff down a few months ago...i have no idea where to find hedberg now...

Hayes said...

booms, in bellingham i worked at a comedy club where good ol' hedberg R.I.P. used to perform...i saw his act live like 4 times in two years, once wasted and unable to contnue to eprform his jokes he riotously recited the lyrics to the beastie boys sabotage...fuckin hilarious...