Jul 14, 2007


sales for Tintin in the Congo sore after racism row

this is awesome. cause yeah, like Herge is a total racist...get the uf' out of there with that stuff.


François Luong said...

Ahem, Herge was actually a friend and a supporter of the Rexists, the fascist (and Catholic reactionary) movement of Belgium. While not overtly racist himself, many of the racist undertones of the most hardcore colonial mindsets of Belgium could be seen in this comic. I think the first two Tintin albums still in print (Congo and America) are the ones I liked the least. But while I also think that Congo is unintentionally racist, it shouldn't be pulled from the shelves.

John Sakkis said...

i feel like buying 15 copies of the Congo book.

thanks for the info on Herge though.

François Luong said...

No problem. Belgium, between the two wars, was an extremely conservative country, especially because of the Great Depression, but also because of the tensions (that still exist today) between the Flemish-speaking and the French-speaking populations. (Herge was French-speaking).