Aug 29, 2007


last night was a bunch of fun...

imbibed stoop beers with the roomie...have you guys tried Anchor's Summer Season Beer? it's amazing, it's a really clean beer with a head thick as eggwhites, i think if i lathered it all over my face it would clean my pores, tasty stuff...the roomie and i talked a lot about girls, about my recent "dating" experiences...about how my recent "dating" experiences have been lame, "dating" lame girls who i fool myself into thinking aren't lame in order to continue "dating"...i need to stop doing that and i'm not sure why i'm doing it right now...i've never been the kind of person that settles for whatevs just because whatevs is presently interested in me...and then when whatevs happens to be a really bad kisser, it's even worse...

and then just as i was about to settle in and start Deadwood Season 2 i got a call from my "Faux-Ga" Becky
...a Faux-Ga is a Faux girlfried...all the perks of having a girlfriend without any of the nasty bits...all the cuddling, flirting, eating, gift giving, goofing off, activity partner parts without the prophylactics...eveyone should have a Faux-Ga/ Faux-Ba...Becky and i are going to collaborate on a piece for Working Class Mag about our nascent Faux-Ga movement, it's gonna change the urban landscape and all that jazz...i digress, so Becky called and said she was at Fly Bar down the street and that Orth
was working and to come and say i skated to Fly Bar on a warm SF evening excited to see Beck cause i've been missing her lately due to said dating of lame'ish girls and because of visitors from out of town who commit the sin of wearing their ipods and reading magazines during road trips where there's only two people in the car and i'm one of those two people and i'm the driver (blech, super rude no?), but also because Beck was in NYC visiting her actual boyfriend for the last few at Fly Bar Becky is hanging out with her friend and recent NYC to SF transplant,, Becky and Becca, got that? Becca is a hilariously cute little fashionista...i believe she was wearing tit-high Wranglers bought somewhere recently in Kansas, and wearing them well...Becca also speaks in abbrevs (Vice be damned!) which was a little surreal because i'm presently reading Orwell's 1984 and abbrevs-speak shares a lot of the same philological properties as Newspeak, i digress...anyway, Becky and Becca and i had lot's of free beers compliments of Orth, Becky and Becca also had a couple shots of that fake Japanese vodka shit (Soju?) they serve at all chi chi beer/wine bars around SF, i passed on the Soju...Becky and i talked a lot of smack on "lame beezies" and "douchy dudes" all the while reaffirming out Faux-love for each other...after drinks i ripped myself away from the beauty that is Becky to walk Becca home a few blocks...a stone's throw from her building she dragged me into a liquor store where she bought a bunch of Sparks (Sparx?) fruity malt liquor crap (you ever had that stuff? it's like Red Bull meets Diet Crystal Lite, not good)...she cracked that Sparks as soon as we left the store and sort of forced me to share it with her for the duration of the walk (20 paces)...Sparks is fowl...Becca is hilarious (hilars?). i can tell Becky, Becca and i will be hanging out a bunch. great gals.

and then i skated home and my friend Paige came over and we hung out for a bit and listened to rap music and drank more beers (Anchor Summer Beer!) and she made me some amazing meatloaf cupcake-shaped things...and then i got to bed pretty late and didn't get that much sleep but woke up to a radiantly sunny San Francisco morning and am in a fantastic mood and am currently trying to convince my guy friends to meet me in the Panhandle after work to throw the ball around and drink tall cans.


Dimitri said...

I'll meet you in the PH. Dempsey and I have to ride to upper haight to pick up a couple of bike frames and parts and stuff. Call me.

François Luong said...

Soju is actually Korean.

And yeah, it's Sparks. Not sure why it's so popular. Think it comes from Austin or something.

Logan Ryan Smith said...

"Sparks is fowl"

is it chicken, or duck?

Dimitri said...

I think its all birds. Fowl that is.

Sparks=Gross, rotten orange, crushed up vitamin tablets, back wash, and sweat.

Soju=Who cares???

John Sakkis said...

"soju is actually korean"


"Soju=Who cares"

Kay said...

i think it's a fucking sin to be confined to work-type spaces when it's been SO nice outside... and on an equally sad note, i thought we were having outdoor adventures in the sunfun sunday not saturday... :( oops!

John Sakkis said...

it's true kay. i'm actually depressed today. it's retarded that i have to sit in an office without windows for nine hours today hitting the refresh button on my computer. it's stupid.

james and i are going to leave early'ish on sunday. i'm going to drive jon's car back to SF. you guys will raft on sunday without us.

jt said...

I drank something like Sparks in the UK in the late 90s, was a cheap alternative to drugs. Mmm, malt liquor and caffeine.

So sad you and Jimmy won't be able to canoe w/ us. Let's do something really fun on Saturday at the beach. I'm thinking bonfire, yes yes?

Logan Ryan Smith said...

i've got a window in my office, and it's definitely nice and all, but it also reminds me every second what it's like outside.

office job = poop

Dimitri said...

I went from working outside/living/sleeping/eating/shitting outside to 90% of my day inside. I feel sick. Poop indeed Logan, poop indeed.

John Sakkis said...

bonfire would be great.

i'm going to quit this whole working 9-5 thing soon. not for me. can't do it. gonna find an alternative. i have some money to invest. gonna make that money work for me over time. or get a fulbright and move to greece and not come back for a few years.

timarmentrout said...

Sparks is a hideous invention, that for some reason I have allowed myself to drink on more than one occassion.
