sadly, was Tory's going away party...he's moving back to Salt Lake City, boo...started things off DJ'ing at D-Structure while the Delicious Drips Crew were putting up their new show (opens this Friday's a vinyl toy theme...should be a great party...come through to D-Struc at Haight and Fillmore for free drinks and music and amazing art!)...anyway, spinning records while dudes were painting on the walls and mounting stuff all over the place...the store looks amazing...from there we all mashed over to Hemlock for goodbye drinks and yadda was a great crew, Lower Haight neighborhoodies in full effect, the D-Structure posse and the Edo girls all toasting Tory in a not too insanely crowded Hemlock. we all got pretty silly...i remember telling a story to Emma and this foxy Edo girl Jessica, i was laughing and tearing up so hard i was sort of on the precipace of blowing snot out of my nose, like, my adnoids were rattling...but i was so excited about my story i didn't really i continue with the story totally about to launch a snot rocket and i'm laughing and crying and looking insane when my brother goes "dude, you're being naughty" and the story had to do with spanking so naturally i said "i know! naughty!" and he goes "no no, dude, you're fucking snotty...blow your're gross" and he hands me tissue and i blow...and the girls don't say anything but i must have looked like a total wreck...a snotty, red faced, crying, pervy idiot, herm...(i'm not usually this sloppy, i don't know what was up last night, but yeah, i was a bit sloppy)
and then i left with Emma and Jessica and my brother probably talking some kind of indecipherable babble the whole way home...i have no game, zero game...
in my apartment i decide to make myself a big bowl of chili and cheese and three eggs and some cheese toast...i eat it watching Fright Night...and i wake up feeling like you might expect after drinking all night and then eating a big rancid bowl of chili and three eggs and cheese toast...that is to say, i'm going to go on a fruit and nuts fast until saturday...and beer and smokes fast...Meg is visiting me in a month so i need to get ripped.
that's all for now, i'm blogging from my warehouse in the LH.
oh and PS, Tory gave me his Doolittle painting! can you believe that?! he's just all, i don't want this painting, you want it? Doolittle is a Lower Haight legend (probalby half of the sanctioned street art you see in the LH is his work)...and his art is far from, an amazing gift from T-Rex, you'll be missed brother.
Pete Doolittle standing in front of some of his work (mine looks a lot like these)
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