Feb 22, 2008


"In one sense Hollander’s lyric analytic is a critique on the construction of limits imposed on the construction of critique. As Leslie Scalapino writes “Benjamin Hollander makes a distinction between a poem and a work of critical analysis (which may be in the form of a poem) which reproduces the signs of the subjects work and the signs of the writer’s own work, engaging the subject’s work as a lyrical expression. He refers to the latter ‘essay’ form as ‘analytic lyric’ or ‘critical music.’” (Scalapino, O One Anthology introduction,)
For example, Hollander’s review of Alan Davies’ book Name published in ACTS 7. Hollander’s notion of the analytic lyric, that is, the lyric analytic (critical music) is seen from the get go:
“’I think I understand Alan Davies’ Name’”
Alan Davies
If the words from the start say Name Alan Davies This, if they mean this book, if they mean it will name him by his words from the start—and they do—we start to.” (Hollander, ACTS 7 P. 98)"

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