Apr 20, 2008

BOTH BOTH last night...

was a blast (pictures attest)...it was especially cool having so many new people/poets in my house for the first time...thanks so much to Aaron Tieger and Michael Carr for reading, and to David Brazil and Michael Slosek for introducing...you guys all rock...

if you didn't make BOTH BOTH last night (and shame on you) make sure to come to the next one on Friday May 16th w/ Julian Brolaski and E. Tracy Grinnell visiting from NYC for a rare (sadly) Bay Area reading...same time (7pm), same place (my apartment), same vibes (good ones)...


H.W. said...

Isn't it May 16th? Cain't wait...

John Sakkis said...

got it, and changed.

Logan Ryan Smith said...

sorry i had to miss this. i hope there's a more detailed account to come. i mean, if you *can* remember anything. if *anybody* can remember anything.