Sep 10, 2008


if Independent WHITE WOMEN send John McCain to the White House because of a sadly misdirected chromosomal identification with Sarah "let's ban books" Palin i may never vote again (i've been voting local/state/national since 18)...sadly, i think i'm serious. i will lose all faith in our Democratic process...if David Copperfield'ish smoke and mirrors can decide an election, i'll cease to see the point of it all. if American's are this stupid, yeah, what's the point? like Clay said, it's like a WWF gimmick...what if McCain wins on a "tag-team" gimmick?


Dimitri said...

this is seriously the first time I am really afraid of the out come of the election. I'm with you, faith is hanging by a thread right now. I still say we fold America in half.
Where has LRS's amazing political posts been lately??

Joseph said...

Yeah, I woke up really depressed this morning over the way the Republicans are able to frame the narrative of this election. It's so sleazy. Democracy is now a game show. Who's got the best zinger?

Amish Trivedi said...

You know, John, there are a lot of people other than white women voting. And it seems like a lot of them want to vote for McCain. So while agree that the result of this election may cause me also to lose faith in the process, don't blame one group or another.

Blame anyone dumb enough to vote Republican :)

Amish Trivedi said...

BTW, I just found out that the non-photoshopped version of that Palin photo was taken by a friend of mine from Athens, GA.

Joseph said...

Polls are jumping to McCain's favor for Independents and white men as well...

John Sakkis said...

i'll stop blaming "Independent white women" when the polls stop jumping in McCain's favor because of that demographic...

John Sakkis said...


yeah but for the same reason? gender based?

as i've understood the polls, Obama has had some issues with the white male Independent vote from the get go...

Unknown said...

I just looked at that picture. Before, I was considering voting for myself, but after looking at that picture, my stiffy tells me to vote for anything she wants