Sep 5, 2008

Cindy McCain

is freaking baaaaack!

i made a stupid little post months and months ago about how i thought Cindy was hot...most of the readers of this blog rightfully bashed me with comments like "you're gross..." "you make me sick..." "barf..." "dude." "what the fuck is wrong with you you freak..." etc..., for the last couple weeks i've been getting around 850 hits a day from people searching/clicking on a link (?) "Cindy McCain is hot"'s weird. it's astonishing. and yes, it's gross. but the hits inexplicably died down 4 days ago...and then today, at the early hour of 1:04pm, i'm already up to 350 hits from people clicking on link (?)/ searching for, you guessed it, "Cindy McCain is hot..." wtf?

who are you people? leave me a comment! did someone link that post? please inform!

anyway, anybody else a little weirded out by all those "I'm voting for the hot lady from Alaska" lapel pins proudly sported at the RNC...? are Republicans really as retarded as they looked on CNN a couple nights ago? disgusting, fat, sweaty morons chanting "drill baby drill/ drill baby drill" with that perfect Guilliani sneer? me thinks yes...

Palin gave a really good speech...full of bile and horseshit, but yeah, she can deliver a line...and her husband's a fisherman and one of her kids has Down Syndrome...what a story! how can you NOT vote for her? er...McCain?

...currently listening to Artery The Death Of Peter X

PS. Michelle Obama's lazy eye is actually for real way hot...

disclaimer: family is not off limits on this blog


François Luong said...

You know, I too can deliver a great speech when I have a teleprompter! Seriously! Obama's got nothing on me and my teleprompter.

Sky Jack Morgan said...

I heard she did some modeling so I tried to find some of it, but couldn't find anything embarrassing other than the fact that she was sleeping with McCain before he divorced the woman who stayed faithful to him during his five year stint in Hanoi Hilton.

The audience at the RNCC did look somehow different than I think normal human beings should. They think they have the corner market on normalcy and "real" but I think they just have the retardation market.