Sep 26, 2008

kickball in Dolores...

"By far, the easiest way to befriend a large group of white people is to organize and then participate in a game that is normally played by children."

--Stuff White People Like

to our credit though, i'd say only half of us were white...the other half blacks and asians though. definitely childish. mixed with adult drinks.

Kelsey picked an incredible team...we killed Graham's team...i think the final score was 17 to 6...and then it got dark...and we got drunk...

Cat says my brother won MVP...he was on the loosing team...

so, me and Kelsey and Steve H. and Danny and Jesse and Sarah and Dempsey and a few other i'm blanking on ruled the field, made some incredible plays, ran the bases, drank the beers...

and then Cat and Graham and James and Sondra and Kaz and a few others i'm blanking on got killed...made some incredible errors, tripped over the bases, got their beers stolen...but my brother still wins MVP, yeah right...

i liked Steve H.'s offense...running the bases with a lit cigarette, thrusting red hot cherry at infield faces rounding the bags...worked well for us...

i liked James's defense...chest butting the ball instead of catching it playing center field not dropping his beer making the out...oh yeah, THAT's why Cat says James is MVP...

and then Sparks and beers and night time and warmth and we're in t-shirts at Dolores Park in the dark and we're not cold and we're talking about The Flight Of The Navigator and bikes and thai boxing and skating and cholos and female ejaculation and The Peanut Butter Solution and Sweet Child Of Mine and soccer and Peruvian beers and raver beads and boners and The Explorers and baseball and lesbians and then Sylvia showed up and we talked about "pile driving as means of love" and i picked up Sondra and threw her over my shoulder and said "like this..." and then she got on Danny's bike and they rolled down the hill and bailed and then i picked Cat up and threw her over my shoulder and James and i got up to go pee at the same time and i had to fight him for a certain tree and i won and then me and Kaz and James and Sylvia and Steve H. and Jesse and some other walked back to the Lower Haight on the way to Waizema's but me and James just went home...i ate quesadilla and watched Queer As Folk Season 5 and went to bed...

with regard to me questioning James's MVP award he writes "I don't really think you get a say in the matter.

By the way, you get the mvp of tackle tree pissing."

i can get with that...

this morning i got a bunch of text's saying things like "great night...great crew..."
"hump..." "the presidential debate at 6" "yes,yes, oh yes..." "check your myspace" "ready when u r" "no" "tonite was soooo sweet..." "translation: us still think i'm cool?" "yannimo! ha!" "ha!" "

so yeah, tonight pres debate at my place with friends and wine...


Dimitri said...

Oh, and by the way, I got MVP for the awesome mid air catch right after the chest bounce.

John Sakkis said...

that was good too.