last friday night Steve, me and Logan went to the D-Structure fashion snow, D-Stricts...we missed the cat-walk but found the dance party...Steve dove in...Steve is magic...all the girls (and boys) immediately gravitated toward his gyrating pelvis...the gaggle of barely legal bridge-n-tunnel blonds, the petite brunette psycho i named "ZUL," hip hop/hipster dudes, whoever/ one could resist the dance floor charms of Mr. ORTH...including apparently the photographers...Steve is in every single shot below...what follows is the Where's Waldo of the Lower Haight...can you spot ORTH in every shot?
i count you in no less than 4 pics...but yeah, in every one of them you're not're like the ghost-boy standing behind the couch in Three Men And A a pale apparition...
holy shit. zul is fucking frightening.
and i have to say, the one pic i'm in is hilarious. everybody around me is dancing, having a good time and i'm just standing there. by myself.
same old story.
i count you in no less than 4 pics...but yeah, in every one of them you're not're like the ghost-boy standing behind the couch in Three Men And A a pale apparition...
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