Feb 3, 2010

favorite movie of all time at age 14. score scarred me for a long time after.


Mark Lamoureux said...

One of my favorite films!

"Une sacrifice!"

John Sakkis said...

the first time i watched it i was a little kid (14) and only caught the last hour or so...my first experience with foreign movies. it totally fucked with me. the score fucked with me. i would talk about it to anybody who would listen...only i didn't know the title. it took me two years to randomly come across it in a movie rental joint...i recognized the kid actors on the cover of the VHS. i was like holy shit holy shit holy shit! so i rented it, and then i dubbed it, and then found a used copy and i bought it...i just rewatched it a few weeks ago...still holds up...esp. the first half of the movie...the actress who plays the mother is phenom. just such a fucking tragic movie. and that theme/score still makes me weep.