Jan 27, 2011

Senior Year YVHS class of '98 party with my two best friends, Billy Jacks and Jon Wright. I think we brought 7-11 slushies onto the bus with us filled with vodka. this is like this most brilliant high school 'drinking alcohol inconspicuously in public' thing ever. seems like every high school kid did this, seems like this is sort of a Jungian 'how to get perked without anybody knowing' high school Collective Unconscious thing...


stephen said...

yep. miss playing "look how many bottles of bacardi 151 i can stick down my pants and walk out of the super market with..." with my friendz. xo hs

John Sakkis said...

i had a friend who used to walk out with shopping carts full of bottles of alcohol. it was insane. he would do this every weekend. steal like 500 dollars worth of whiskey, vodka and bacardi. and then go to parties and sell it off for profit. it was a great racket for him until he got caught. and then his life sucked for like a year.