Jun 4, 2011

a lot of rare Jazz vinyl burned up when the world ended

somebody was watching The Princess And The Frog when the world ended

a man was eating a sourdough jack when the world ended

Americans eat tuna melts. Do Mexicans eat tuna melts? Do the Irish eat tuna melts? Lindsey Boldt gave me The Hobbit soundtrack for Christmas. I'm currently listening to that watching the Giants vs. Naropa Rockies on some hair of the dog Coors steez. If the Giants lose blame me for drinking Coors. Last night Jessica cut my hair in a house in the Lower Haight. I drank all her vodka and talked about balls. 

If you have the audacity.

My brother was sincerely into the WWF growing up. He was a Hulkamaniac. He'd plop down on saturday morning with his action figures nuzzling his Hulk Hogan plush toy while my mom made pancakes. He just turned 29. Must be so weird being a mom, knowing that a Hulkamaniac (or whatever) came out of your vagina. He uses my Netflix queue so I get to see his viewing history. He just watched "WWE 50 Greatest Stars Of All Time"...

RIP Buster Posey. 

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