Oct 5, 2011

Charles Kruger from Litseen on my and Lynn's reading at Bird And Beckett...

So on Monday, September 19, I made my way to an edition of POETS! featuring John Sakkis and Lynn Xu, hosted by Jerry Ferraz.
Mr. Sakkis and Ms. Xu are two exceptional poets. Both of them have reputations as translators, and this was certainly reflected in the elegant diction and surprising technical expertise they displayed.
Their entire sets can be found here and here.
Below, I have selected a sample from each reader to whet your appetite.
For the second half of his set, John Sakkis presented a remarkable series of poems seemingly inspired by science fiction TV. They are so closely knit, I felt it would be an injustice to break the set down further, so here follows seven minutes worth of this interesting poet.
For Lynn Xu, I have selected a lovely poem dedicated to (and in the style of) Gerard Manley Hopkins. This poem is remarkable for it’s evocative language, depth of feeling, and the utilization of the difficult “sprung rhythm” metrical style of her model. This is a very short excerpt, but its density cannot be overestimated.

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