Sep 17, 2013

16. At Me- Brandon Downing
Octopus Books

Brandon gave me a copy At Me at his Woolsey Heights reading a couple years ago. 

Brandon made this video which "premiered on January 16, 2010, at SpaceSpace in Ridgewood, New York, at Poetry Time's showcase of John Sakkis, Niina Pollari, and John Coletti."

I wrote this little poem called "Knowing" in dedication to Brandon and his video (the plane crash footage is taken from an amazing Nic Cage disaster movie (movie disaster?) called Knowing; it's about ancient aliens, the Old Testament, and the end of the world, it's a ridiculously fun (ridiculous?) popcorn flick that aspires to be more, and fails miserably, I loved it. 

for Brandon Downing

The wheat field 
an ocean landscape,
A blown out Eden 
outside of Alexandria,
And the president 
wouldn't wait 
as long as he did
If the sun ejaculated 
an apocalypse
Penetrating 1.2 miles 
into the earth's crust
Val Thor 
spoke of Christ's presence
In the Universe, 
just like 
Nic Cage's Dad was a preacher 
with 4 faces, The Lion, 
The Man, An Ox, The Eagle
Ezekiel's Wheel 
was a primitive mechanism
Heralding the Phoenix Lights
The city is a desert, 
some call this 
“missing time”
And when I looked 
I saw a cigar-shaped windstorm 
hovering silently, 
the desert turned to faces
And the city turned to wings 
until the sky became a black stone 
too crowded for the movies

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