Jan 30, 2006

darg, i miss Armand...

"well well well, it appears as tho, you were up plenty late last night and ya know Logan, I could have really used your help last night in the TENDERLOIN. It appears, that at roughly 2am, a beer bottle went sailing out of Arnone's apartment towards a mob of about 20 hipsters outside the Castle. A few moments later, I found myself inside of the gate screamiing at a mob that now had grown to roughly 40 hipsters all wanting to rip me apart while Katie with a K, Orth and Pokarney desperatley tried to prevent me from entering the street and most likely my death. The scene outside, was truly something to be seen, like a choreographed Hipster-Thriller, or a scene from Thunderdome. Not only was I told to "go back to Fresno, you Yuppie-Fuck" whereupon I began a riveting monologue about how I was from Chicago, but I was also called a certain outdated term usually directed at an African American, which provoked me to start pointing my finger at the angry mob, counting them and screaming "Honkey". Eventually, a Budweiser "Big Boy" went sailing through the gate, towards me, fell on the ground, whereupon, Orth being incredibly aware, picked it up and screamed "Free Beer!", picked it up and then began thanking them by saying "Thanks for the free beer dude!....I love free beer!" Somehow this ended, we came back up stairs, I took a few sips of my "Big Guy" and then promptly took a power nap in the chair.

"Oh....thats our Armand" said Arnone."

...BTW, the apartment from whence the beer bottle was chucked is none other than my old apartment...Geary between Polk and Larkin foo'...glad to see, read, hear that the old TL apartment is still as ruckus as ever...and that Armand "cappo" C. is still the homie...

also, had a dream last night that i was performing with Brandon Brown and Alli Warren's super group Bound To Get Fuller at the San Francisco Poet's Theater...Brandon was sort of yelling surrealistic nothings into a microphone all the while Alli was looking embarrassed all the while i was beat boxing...people didn't seem to be into us...they looked really bored...

...currently listening to a Michael Palmer lecture...

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