Apr 19, 2006


looking at my remark a few posts down about how poet's generally lack fashion sense...realizing that's total bullshit (at least as it applies to the Pacific poets)...SF poets are some of the most fashion savy peeps around (i can't speak to NY/ CHI/ LA or Buffalo)...i like clothes, i know stephanie likes clothes, brandon more and more (god bless white male poet) likes clothes, Suzanne Stein is always fitted to the 9's, AND i've seen her do a handstand while giving a reading at BB's Zeal reading series, alli certainly looks like she likes clothes, i like LRSN when he wears basketball jerseys, nicoloff has awsome hair, taylor brady is perpetually in some shiny dress shirt as is Del Ray Cross, bill luoma usually sports some kind of interesting pair of shoes (or am i thinking of taylor again?), armand cappo most definitly likes clothes (my friend sara even asked Cappo for an interview for a doc she was making about fashion)...though not SF'ers, related, jessica and lorraine have been blogging/ comment boxing (KO'd!) about the theraputic benifits of shopping...i'm a self admitted shoe-whore/ jean-whore...so, i like the fashion sense of my west coast bretheren...go left coast fashionistas!

Stephanie asked me to make her a Bay Area hip hop mix for the Bay Poetics anthology release party...flattered...i have about 5 cd's worth of songs so far...unfortunatly most of my Bay hip hop is on vinyl (well, most of my music is on vinyl proper...but i think we'll make do)...wondering if lyrics like "MURDER MURDER MURDER MOTHERFUCKER!!!" are a bit harsh for an anthology reception...knowing Stephanie probably not...i'm trying to get a nice mixture of hood-hop and backpacker rap going...you know, Saafir next to Restiform Bodies...Spice 1 next to Quaanam...Hobo Junction next to Anticon...

the Embodied Poetics performance tonight was amazing, beyond words...but i'll try tomorrow...i'm still hovering on cloud 9...

the Magie's coming the Magie's coming (on friday morning!)...so excited to see her...

watched Coffee And Cigarettes this afternoon...worth renting for the Tom Waits Iggy Pop bit alone...i taped it...so so so good...Iggy is so cute, like a little boy...the RZA GZA Bill Murry bit was pretty good too..."Bill: i know you guys, you're up to no good"..."RZA: up to no good?!"..."Bill: yeah, you're from "The Wu-Tang Clan...you're GZA, the Genius, and you're RZA"..."RZA: other wise knows as?"..."Bill: otherwise knows as Bobby Digital!"...

i want to marry Iggy Pop..."Iggy: call me Jim, or call me Iggy, my friends call my jimmy, or Jim, or Iggy...call me Iggy..." Tom: okay Jim..."

...currently listening to Rush Chornicles...


François Luong said...

We have a bit of both in Houston (not sure about Austin or Dallas). Tony Hoagland is pretty much a fashion nightmare, although you have to love him for his washed up pink cap. You'd think that since he attended Naropa for a year, he'd have a better fashion sense. Otherwise, other poets go from grunge/punk to hipsterdom to old Polish hermit.

John Sakkis said...

best dressed at naropa...

(i'm callin' em' out)!

1. sabrina calle
2. feliz molina
3. jessica hullman
4. reed bye (can i count profs?)
5. roland saifi

BB said...

Hey, you know, fuck you and whatnot. The man in black routine worked for me for a lot of years. And I think the reading series at which SS did a headstand was called ZEAL, not ZAUM, which I believe is a playcamp for kids. But I'll tell you this, Sakkis, if you keep moting me on account of my threads there's no way you're going to get fed springtime asparagus soup and a tofu/avocado salad over butter lettuce with a sesame oil rice vinaigrette. no way in hell!

John Sakkis said...

oh shit! Zeal (zaum is that bad sonoma state mag we both published in)...what the hell is wrong with me?

moted you?! no mote...only love...okay, slight mote...sorry, feed me food!!!

i love BB MIB but i also love BB with the fresh threads...i love all BB's though...i love BB viking beard...does BB viking beard get soggy bead in the soupy...?

John Sakkis said...


and when the hell have i ever moted you in the past about your MIB gear?

quote me on that robbie...

Alli Warren said...

robbies, robbies, cool your heads...

B, the MIB is sweet but a little bit B=O=R=E. your new charcoals, however, are not. also your Hooters racing tee.

john, the supper described above made my insides heaven. then we watched The Maltese Falcon and I fell asleep.

John Sakkis said...

is the supper described above something you and BB can actually make? if so, i'm so jocking you guys...i mean, seriously? you can do that?

BB has a hooters racing tee?!

hey alli, what's the deal?

Alli Warren said...

the dillio is Yes, we can make it, I mean, my love can, he did, just last night. & the tee is TIGHT. that's the deal. tonight I think it's all about homemade pizza. come back soon!

John Sakkis said...

4 months till i move back to the city and in with you and BB...he told you right?