Oct 16, 2007


when people say "bring on the champagne!" but they pronounce it "cham pog na" does that make you angry, does that get under the skin?

when people say "ohh, hors de'ovres" but they pronounce it "horse overies" is that the same thing? do those people bother you much?


BB said...

"horse ovaries" is really bad. "Cham pong na" I could see being charming, if a charming person pronounced it in a charming scenario.

Dimitri said...

I miss you BB.

everydaycaitlin said...

christopher walken impersonations are generally always obnoxious.

horse ovaries, on the other hand, are best when sauteed with a bit of garlic and lemon.

Kay said...

i just laughed really loud (i lol'd) in a really quiet office ...

Dimitri said...

yes. it also bothers me when some people call me jamess...as in jame-ess. it also bothers me when people carry on conversations in really forced and over articulated and over enthusiastic accents. One liners, not so much, but whole conversations....whewwwww. Thats when I walk away from the table and go and stand alone by the bar.

John Sakkis said...

what's a forced and over articulated conversation sound like? i'm not sure i've ever heard one of those...


Dimitri said...

In an accent, you skipped over that word.

John Sakkis said...

i still don't know what you mean.

are you talking about foreigners?

oh, i think i know what you mean...like when someone's doing a scottish accent for more than a quick second or something.

or like, even a greek accent for more than a one liner.

is that it?

everydaycaitlin said...

this has nothing to do with anything but if i were to leave a real comment, the word verification is:


lets work that in somehow. thanks guys.

Dimitri said...


John Sakkis said...


word verification is passee, everyone knows that.

Dimitri said...

I almost didn't know that...

everydaycaitlin said...

UNZHRLY?!?, I had no idea!

jt said...

I'm late to this one. Never heard hypothetical douches say "horse ovaries".

I do recall Homer Simpson referring to them as "whores due verz" though in a first or second season episode where they host a party and Homer gets drunk and looks down Maude Flanders' shirt and Marge makes Homer attend a marriage counseling retreat attended by the Flanders who are there because they get annoyed at each other when the other underlines passages in the other's bible and its at a lake in the woods and Homer catches a giant catfish called General Sherman.

François Luong said...

Not really irritating. I mean, it's expected of you (US-ians, that is) to mispronounce French things. What irritates me is people in workshop using French words and then expecting me to pronounce them for them.

Then again, I'm jaded.