Oct 22, 2007

highlights of the weekend...

a weekend report in quotes

"how do you say 'bring it on' in French?"

"shuffle shuffle shuffle"

"what the fuck does 'a-historical' even mean?"

"hold on, let me Wiki it on my phone!"

"thud! (sound of Caitlin hitting logan in the arm)"

"feel my leg! feeeeel my LEG!!!"

"i think i'm going to make a fragrance today"

"can your car pop a wheelie?"

"she lives in an apartment that looks like a Gundam head"

"i thought the ghost of Jack Spicer was going to kill me"

"that outfit is pretentious"

"i'm just going to turn on some KMEL"

"gulpshslerleksshshs (sound of logan polishing off a bottle of red wine during his 30 minute reading)"

"veer sinister at the crest of the hill"

"are we at the 'crest' yet?"

"you should stop doing meth matthew, it makes you look old..."

"i'm about to get my swerve on"

"oh jesus! THAT guy?!"

"she's wearing my wrap...SHE'S WEARING MY WRAP!"

"they had a conversation about tina turner's bassist for 2 hours..."

"here let me scratch that"

"you have a lit cigarette in your hair"

"in greece we say 'it's all chinese to me'"

"they all look so...bronze"

"i'm a midget"

"no, you're not, you're just short"

"no...i'm a midget"


"i don't think Har Ford is going to have much of a part in the movie"

"did you just call him "Har Ford?"

"they should have myspace top 3's"

"when i think of 'non-plussed' i think of a giant plus sign hovering next to me"

"i know him from the internet"

"plurals are the new abbrevs"

"i tried to stop the beer with my foot...but it kept growing"

"i hate poetry"



Logan Ryan Smith said...

apparently i make a pretty gross sound when i drink wine.

funny thing is, i think i can tell who made some of thse comments.

also, tell caitlin she must hit like a girl. because i don't remember it and i have no bruise to prove it ever happened.

i had a bit of wine that night.

everydaycaitlin said...

i heard that logan.

Mark Lamoureux said...

The Gundam head thing is my new favorite quote! It makes no sense, really but I know *exactly* what it means...

François Luong said...

i don't remember the gundam quote.

Dimitri said...

Sounds like I missed a good weekend..................NOT!!! Or actually, maybe. Either way, I can't wait to see you this weekend.

Naked Spa Party On Sat.