Sep 4, 2013

13. Let The Smoke & The Tracks Carry You!- Christina Fisher, Patrick James Dunagan and Derek Fenner 
 Bird And Beckett Books

Pretty sure Patrick Dunagan gave me this chap after his, Jack Hirschman and Ava Koohbor's reading at Bird And Beckett. This would have been the night of the Anselm Hollo memorial reading at CCA, a fantastic tribute by the way; ribald, moving, celebratory, I was honored to have been invited to participate in it. 

After the memorial reading a bunch of us headed over to Bird And Beckett. Drinks were had, Paul Hoover showed up, Dunagan was in a heckling mood. Jack Hirschman was on fire, he read an Epithalamion for Amber Tamblyn and David Cross, the one he read at their wedding. Hirschman is Amber Tamblyn's godfather, trip out huh? After the reading I introduced myself to Hirschman while waiting in line for the bathroom, he goes "SAKKIS!, you're Angelos's nephew!, " I said "yes, nice to meet you," and he goes "you'll have to come to Spec's sometime..."...

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