Jan 24, 2006


a poem that i love from Michael Palmer's Baudelaire Series (which i read today)

I killed a bee on the Street of Scissors
The bee was holding a picture of me

A woman walked past
There is a time, there

is a time before, she said
without turning her head

Then you carried no ink
Then you were not a photograph

...somehow i feel implicated from the opening couplet's first person to the concluding couplet's second person...a sort of murky transition...the duration of the book/poem reads this way...not sure whom/what is speaking/progressing (I/ She/ You?)...thinking back to Palmer's sense of the 'margin,' of the 'theater'..."Because I'm writing about the snow not the sentence/ Because there is a card—a visitor's card—and on that card// there are words of ours arranged in a row" (from Fifth Prose)

...today i transcribed Demosthenes Agrafiotos' Greek translations of a couple Rachel Blau DuPlessis poems that are going in Bombay Gin #32...

Law & Order SVU is on tonight...i'm watching that then going to bed...boom...

...currently listening to Miss Kitten & The Hacker First Album...

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