Jan 26, 2006

Trane Devore asks...

told you
told you,
originally uploaded by John Sakkis.
"um...is it real? looks ouch..."

for the record...yes, totally real...this is me pre-acclimation...and this one was mild...

so, come on down to Colorado...that's fun!


BB said...

Dude, I made skordalia. I found a recipe in this book, which called for it being made with a POTATO instead of stale, wet white bread, but, and Alli Warren can attest to this, it was GOOD. Hecka garlic, a lil olive oil and white wine vinegar, a boiled potato, a food processor, bam. Moreoever, I made pantzaria, the beets. The secret, I found out, was to boil, not roast, the beets, and then dress them in a red-wine vinegar / olive oil combination...that's it! Delicious. Especially with the bomb-bang skordalia. I haven't tried to make gavros yet. Or moussaka. Or spanakopita. Or turikopita. But they's next.

John Sakkis said...

gavros! cough...