May 9, 2006


take it from me, don't do myspace surverys drunk, you end up looking like a prick (by "you" i mean me)...for some reason when i drink whiskey the 15 yr old in me likes to come out and run his mouth (by "his" i mean mine)...

it's really early but i'm up...don't want to have coffee yet, still a few hours until GMA...what's one to do at this hour? maybe i'll go watch The Return Of The King (extended version)...

in the mail yesterday

Bay Poetics- ed. Stephanie Young (Faux Press)'s as pretty as it looks on your computer screens...
Magazine Cypress #4- ed. Dana Ward (more on the mag later....thanks for sending along Dana)

yesterday read
Magazine Cypress #4- ed. Dana Ward

currently listening to early morning light...


Jessica Smith said...

is there a more appropriate state in which to do myspace surveys?

John Sakkis said...

i'll put some on the blog on thursday...but in the meantime you can go here to see all of them...

hi andy peterson...

François Luong said...

apparently, i have a british accent after shots of whiskey. can you tell?

Jessica Smith said...

françois, i never thought about you having a French accent (because when i read online everyone sort of has my voice). do you have one?

a Frenchman with a British accent. Is that why you had to flee, I mean leave?

John Sakkis said...

i've often (stupidly) wondered the same wonder the gals jock you...i'm talking to francois...

call me shallow but i REALLY want to hang out with a chinese-frenchman with a french accent (and british when whiskeyed out)...i think you might attract all the fine women within a 6 block radius...yes yes, call me shallow...i know if i was an american girl i'd be on the jock...

John Sakkis said...

by the way...francois, send my your texas

Jessica Smith said...

that's true... the only thing American girls like better than a British accent is a French accent. We're trained like Pavlov's dogs to start drooling the moment we hear that telltale cadence.

François Luong said...

actually, when sober, my accent fluctuates between french and german (being from a bi/trilingual region of france). sometimes it accidentally turns british, even though i had no drinks so far.

sadly, it is true that most girls i've dated in the states were interested in the accent.

John Sakkis said...

that's not sad! play it up!

Jessica Smith said...

yeah... cute, foreign poet with a french+ accent?

François Luong said...

okayokayokay, i'll admit it, i use variants of "i'm french and i'm a poet" as a pick-up line. then, i'll buy the girl a drink. or she'll buy me one.

John Sakkis said...

you rascal you...

you're all, hey baby...

au seuil du soleil noir
soleil clair
le nom change,

l'unite (se) derange
la douleur le deuil


die sonne

recommence a faire la
limitation de la lumiere,

les dix zones des astres d'or


l'imitation de la chaire
dans l'accident psycho-chimique
de la chair.

you pimp you!