Jun 21, 2006


woke up this morning with a stomach ache...i ate half a watermelon last night before bed...

going to take Kerri up the Rattle Snake Gulch Trail (RSGT) this afternoon...RSGT is like my Niagara Falls, my default visitor's attraction...and for good reason, it's fucking amazing...rock formations like nowhere else on earth, violent, mean rock formations, jagged, salient, abusive rock formations, green, blue and red rock formations...and then at the top of the trail is the Continental Divide Overlook...

a great reading last night with Eleni Sikelianos, Joan Retallack, Elizabeth Robinson and Tonya Foster...especially into Robinson's new calligraphic poems...Eleni read from The California Poem as well as some newer work from The Body Clock...Retallack read from her Post-Apollo book Memoir which i enjoyed though was hard to hear as she was the last reader in a 2 hour event...Foster read a long poem ("sort of") about New Orleans which i liked...


Batman Anarky- Alan Grant (DC)
Elsewhere- Gary Sullivan
Analfabeto/ An Alphabet- Ellen Baxt (Dusie)
Dusky- Jocelyn Saidenberg (Belladonna)
RecollecTed- Jared Hayes (Dusie)

...currently listening to DJ Spooky Necropolis...


Jessica Smith said...

RSGT sounds awesome!
I love Retallack.

François Luong said...

i'm not sure i like the art of anarky ... who was it by again? norm breyfrogle?

John Sakkis said...

yeah, that's right...it's okay once you get used to his style...but yeah, i feel you...