Jun 20, 2006

from my boy Daniel...

Ever loving Family & Friends,

As you all may know, I am a Vet of the green machine, known as the United States Marine Corps. I have also sacrificed blood, sweat, and tears for this artificially stamped "War to free the people of Iraq". Now days, I spend most of my time serving as a voice for my brothers and sisters in harms way. I understand it is not their duty to analyze and understand the reasons why they have been taken from their families, here in the States, to give so called freedom to the people of Iraq. The one and only subject they should be focused on is how to stay alive. Earlier today I caught a splash of harsh reality.

While I was at work, a co-worker informed me of the death of her cousin in Iraq that was a Soldier. This hit close to home because the fallen soldier, not to be named, was from Pittsburg. A small city close to where I live in Concord. My co-worker gave me the privilege to read the generic, copy and pasted, letter that was sent to her mourning Grandmother. When I read the letter that was printed with the House seal, my stomach turn four times fold after very word that was read. It was amazing to read the choice of words of my beloved concerned Government. I lost my barring when I read the second paragraph. It mentioned the reasons why this Soldier sacrificed his life. It read regarding his death, making the ultimate sacrifice defending our country's freedom & security, and our American values". Is this true?

I will leave it up to you to decide. All I ask is for you to think. You do not have to agree with me by any means. Please think!! Did this man, brother, fellow American give his life for "defending our freedom & security, and American values"? I thought we went to war for "Iraqi Freedom", Iraqi security, and Iraqi values. Or is it a little closer to expanding and maintaining American economic freedom and security, by forcing our American Christian values?

With this in thought, today was a sad day of reality for me, yet again. I read something once that got the gears rolling in my head. "If war is the answer, then we are asking the wring question". What is the question we are asking? What kind of answers are we giving? Let me know what you think.

Rest in Peace to all the recent fallen Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, husbands, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters family members, and friends that have past in this conflict. You will be missed and loved. Bless you all!

Daniel Pascual

"Sergeant of Marines"

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