Jul 31, 2007


my brother's girlfriend Emma
wins for this dating tip txt message...

First you should buy her a flower. not a bouquet, just a single flower. And say something like such a beautiful girl deserves a pretty flower. Make sure

its a flower she can tuck behind he ear so she can wear it on the date and feel sexy and special. Look up online the Seaward slides, maybe you guys can

go on a nice, romantic night, walk there, maybe some hand holding. and a kiss. then go for a night cap at the Noc Noc and lay down on some pillows and dri

ink some hot sake in the dark, maybe canoodling. I like sake because you kinda get a nice buzz but no hangover in the morning."

haha! thanks Emma...but no, i won't do any of this stuff...either way it's a lose/lose for me...Emma and "THE GIRL" work together at the same hair salon...gossips like whoa...i'm screwed...

1 comment:

John Sakkis said...

emma: i love the Noc Noc...it's like Oingo Boingo exploded all over the walls...