Dec 12, 2011

My niece Marina is probably the most eccentric, hilarious, smart and fantastically weird little kid I've ever met. This is her Dear Santa letter...

"Dear Santa,

In this time of year, my family believes in
you and we all think you are a great person, going
off in the middle of the night and giving
presents to those who have been good. And, speaking of
that, would it be OK with you if I could have
a remote-controlled spy cam with a full-color
LCD video screen, a child-sized microscope, and
a NASA-Developed ant habitat, with delivered
ants? Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Love Marina,
P.S. If all of that is too expensive, just give me
the car. Thanks Santa!"


Dimitri said...

full color, not full colon.

John Sakkis said...

thanks fixed.