Apr 18, 2012

Kalimera Er'body. I hope you had a fantastic Greek Easter. Christ has risen! Come on, let me hear it, Truly he has risen! Bravo. I once read a Battletech novel where the exclamation of choice was "Buddha!" instead of "Jesus!"...kind of like "Frack" instead of "Fuck" or "thank the Gods" instead of "thank God" on Battlestar Galactica. Last night I ran four miles through the Concord hills, I ate fried chicken and cous cous, I watched some baseball with my Mom and Dad. I did laundry. It smells like Great America at SPD right now. Like waffle cones, fried zucchini, and roller coaster grease. Wow, it smells like summer right now. Did you hear? It's supposed to be in the 80s in the East Bay by Friday, mid 70s in SF. I need to buy a suit. Should I buy two button or 3 button? I'm thinking two button? I think I'm heading to Austin mid-May. I think I'm heading sea kayaking this Saturday (probably not though), I think I'm heading to Sunset at Lake Stafford on Sunday. I'll possibly see you at the park.

Oh and hey, I almost forgot. I put out Angelos Sakkis's chapbook TRAVELLOGWITHHOMERONMYMIND on BOTH BOTH Books. It's a fantastic read, part travel log, part poetics, part poetry, part gossip (some of the folks who make an appearance: Robert Duncan, Stephanie Young, Diane Di Prima, Jack Spicer, Lyn Hejinian, Demosthenes Agrafiotis, Kevin Killian and Brandon Brown). I'd love to send one your way (always gratis of course). Just shoot me an email requesting a copy, I think I have around 25 left. John.sakkis@gmail.com.

Hang Loose Dudes.


François Luong said...

Yes, please?

John Sakkis said...

hey F., for sure, email me your addy?


Kevin Killian said...

Are these still available? Oh dear, I hope I'm presented as doing something respectable for once instead of falling under the "gossip" category! In any case, I expect Angelos' book is gonna be pretty darn great.

John Sakkis said...

Hey Kevin,

I thought I sent you one already! Sorry, on the way this morning...I think Poet Be Like God is the context, I was there for the conversation, the Fran Herndon show...you and Angelos were chatting about Greek.